Latemar Controversy
Autocyclic vs. Alloscyclic: the periodicity and mechanism of Latemar formation. Was the Latemar formed in 10 million years or 1 million year?

Autocyclic vs. Alloscyclic: the periodicity and mechanism of Latemar formation. Was the Latemar formed in 10 million years or 1 million year?
To understand the coupling between the ocean and the atmosphere and the role each played in the whole circulation, an aquaplanet model could be considered as a simplified situation.
Ice cores are like time capsules carrying information from the past. With the example of noble gas proxies, we can see how air bubbles in ice cores tell us about global ocean temperature hundreds of thousand years ago.
Ideas under drafting...
Satellites provide a variety of observational measurements covering large regions to the entire globe. How can climate researchers make use of it? Take Permafrost as an example.
Despite the importance of phytoplankton for global biogeochemical cycles and climate, their composition and dynamics are still poorly understood.
Periodic reversal of Madden-Julian oscillation winds drives the intraseasonal ocean mass see-saw in the Indo-Pacific basin. This generates an influence on the Earth polar axis motion and legth of day.